Just in time for the start of the planting season in Caraga Region, Department of Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol spends his last day of work for the year 2018 by providing the rice farmers’ long-dreamed irrigation project. Piñol leads the turnover of the first of the five Solar-Powered Irrigation Project (SPIS) established in Caraga continue reading : Agriculture Secretary Leads Turnover of Solar-Powered Irrigation Project in Agusan Sur
CSO Accreditations
- DA-Caraga Extends Agricultural Support to IP Community in Surigao del Sur
- DA-Caraga Turns Over P2-Million Chicken Module Project to Tagcoong-Angas Irrigators Association
- P61.7M RPS Boosts Mechanization of Agriculture in Caraga
- P27 Million Worth of Interventions to Aid Caraga Hog Sector Recovery
- DA-Caraga Unveils First Organic Hub in the Region