Animal raisers in the region may have just put an end to their woes. This, after the Department of Agriculture – Caraga through the Livestock Program recently established two feed milling facilities, one each in Socorro, Surigao del Norte and Tago, Surigao del Sur. Livestock raisers, particularly swine raisers in Caraga have long been complaining continue reading : Feed Mills Raise High Hopes for Caraga’s Animal Raisers
Mechanization Transforms Caraga Farms
Agricultural modernization is one of the key interventions of the Department of Agriculture (DA) to support the farmers and make them more competitive in an open rice market. DA-Caraga through the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) turned-over the 110 units of mechanical rice transplanters to 110 eligible farmer associations and cooperative from the different provinces continue reading : Mechanization Transforms Caraga Farms
CSO Accreditations
- DA-Caraga Extends Agricultural Support to IP Community in Surigao del Sur
- DA-Caraga Turns Over P2-Million Chicken Module Project to Tagcoong-Angas Irrigators Association
- P61.7M RPS Boosts Mechanization of Agriculture in Caraga
- P27 Million Worth of Interventions to Aid Caraga Hog Sector Recovery
- DA-Caraga Unveils First Organic Hub in the Region