The Department of Agriculture boosts its commitment to provide adequate support to food production. This is to ensure that there will be available and affordable food for every Filipino family. Agriculture Secretary William D. Dar assures that the country has enough rice for the next three months, with additional supply from dry season harvest expected continue reading : DA Assures Available Food amidst the Threats of COVID-19 in Caraga Region
CSO Accreditations
- DA-Caraga Extends Agricultural Support to IP Community in Surigao del Sur
- DA-Caraga Turns Over P2-Million Chicken Module Project to Tagcoong-Angas Irrigators Association
- P61.7M RPS Boosts Mechanization of Agriculture in Caraga
- P27 Million Worth of Interventions to Aid Caraga Hog Sector Recovery
- DA-Caraga Unveils First Organic Hub in the Region