The sealed partnership among youth, parishioners, and a group of media practitioners capped the one-month term of Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RAFC) Chairperson Christopher H. Lindo as a Farmer-Director in the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Caraga in May 2022. On May 31, RAFC-Caraga inked an agreement to institutionalize their partnership among allies in the region’s continue reading : Farmer-Director seals Alliance to Community and Media Organization
DA-Caraga Supports Call to End Hunger
In support of the universal effort to end hunger, the Department of Agriculture-Caraga supported women’s organizations in Surigao del Sur to have a start-up livelihood, a chicken production project. Armando Ortiz, Senior Science Research Specialist of DA-Tagbina Research and Experiment Station, disclosed that 400 heads of chicks were distributed to seven women associations in Surigao continue reading : DA-Caraga Supports Call to End Hunger
DA-Caraga Brings Aroma of Income for Coffee Farmers
Smooth aroma and high income. This is what the Department of Agriculture (DA) Caraga envisions for the coffee farmers in Surigao del Sur by bringing the coffee industry to a higher level. As a step forward, two million pesos worth of a coffee processing facility was turned over by DA-Caraga to a farmer’s association in continue reading : DA-Caraga Brings Aroma of Income for Coffee Farmers