Caraganon will soon have a taste of the new kind of nutrient-enhanced rice with beta-carotene called Golden Rice.

Dr. Ronan Zagado, Leader of the Golden Rice Program of the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) explained that golden rice is a result of bio-fortification through genetic engineering to increase the nutritional value of the staple food of Filipinos, the rice.

Zagado added that golden rice is one way of curbing the Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) problem in the country wherein once beta-carotene enters the human body, the body has the capacity to transform it into Vitamin A.

Based on DOST-FNRI Expanded National Nutrition Survey 2019, VAD remains a public health concern in the country with a 15.5% prevalence nationwide. The data also showed that the age groups at risk of VAD are from 6 months to 5 years old, and pregnant and lactating women.

According to Zagado, one cup of cooked Golden Rice can provide 30 to 50 percent of the estimated average requirement (EAR) of vitamin A for preschoolers, and pregnant and lactating mothers.

“Studies show that Golden Rice is as safe as ordinary rice, with the added benefit of beta-carotene in the grain, and it had undergone rigorous biosafety regulations in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States, and the Philippines through the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI),” Dr. Zagado added.

He noted that Golden Rice is not very different from its conventional counterpart. It is expected to cost and taste the same. Its beta carotene content is what makes it unique.

“As of this time, we are still producing the seeds following the issuance of a commercial propagation permit. Initial deployment of Golden Rice will be administered by the 1st quarter of 2023 in priority areas,” he further said.

The seven priority areas identified for initial deployment of golden rice production in the countryincludes Quirino and Catanduanes for Luzon; Antique and Samar for Visayas; and Agusan del Sur, Lanao del Norte, and Maguindanao for Mindanao.

Branch Director of DA-Philice-Agusan Dr. Caesar Joventino Tado said during a media briefing last May 20 that they are going to look for seed producers who are willing to partner with them in planting the golden rice seeds or PSB RC 82-GR2E.

DA-PhilIRice currently pushes for the integration of Golden Rice in Agri-nutrition programs of the local government units and conducts advocacy to create an enabling environment for the smooth deployment of the Golden Rice. (Aurelius Parido Arais/DA-Caraga)