
Department of Agriculture Caraga headed by Regional Director Renato Manantan reviews its Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan (AFMP) for 2011–2017 with agricutural stakeholders in the region to prepare for the formulation of next AFMP.

“All of us must coordinate to create a profound AFMP. Making a review for the current plan would guide us on the things that needed to be improved,” said Manantan. “Our plan should not only be limited for six years, but we should also plan beyond,” he added.

Manantan highlighted that the plans for the region should be a direction and a guide for the actions to be taken in the LGUs and the regional office. “The President has given his commitment for agriculture which is also the commitment of the Secretary, let’s work hand in hand for these things to be realized,” he added.

The results of the assessment will be used as inputs to the formulation of new AFMP planning, programming and budgeting process which would serve as a blueprint for the future of agriculture and fishery sector.

The stakeholders’ consultation which was facilitated by Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) in the region also aims to assess the targets against its results with the help of the Department’s Banner Program focal persons.

“The interventions given by the Department has been helpful for the achievement of suistanable agriculture in the region, some of the desired results have been reached; but there are still others that need to improve,” said Jodel Tabada, OIC Deputy Project Director.

Agriculture sector’s resiliency has been threatened by climate change and extreme weather events. “Damage to rural infrastructure; losses to crops, livetock, and fishing grounds; as well as threats to water supply and the competing priorities in water allocation are a few of emerging problems,” Tabada added.

A workshop was also set to solicit ideas and areas for improvement from the attached agencies and bureaus, provincial agriculturists and veterinarians in the provinces and leaders in the private sector.

“Activities such as this gives an idea that the Department truly values its stakeholders. I hope that we can maximize the available resources in line with right priorities,” said Arnie Arreza, Chairman of Caraga Organic Farmers Federation.

Common solutions discussed among others were raising the productivity and incomes of agriculture and fishery-based households and enterprises; increasing investments and employment across efficient value chains; and strengthening the agriculture and fisheries insurance system as an important risksharing mechanism.

AFMP has been created to increase the resilience of agriculture communities through the development of climate-sensitive technologies, establishment of climate-resilient agricultural infrastructure and climate-responsive food production systems, and provision of support services to the most vulnerable communities. (Fretcher D. Magatao, DA-Caraga)