Caraga region’s economic growth does not only rely on the mining industry but there is also potential in agriculture.

Caraga Agricultural Trade and Marketing Exposition (CARAT Expo) 2016 brought altogether the farmer entrepreneurs, agricultural retailers and wholesalers, manufacturers, small and medium enterprises, public and private sector, and Local Government Units and consumers in a 5-day trade expo from November 9 to 13.

CARAT Expo 2016 is an exhibition organized to showcase Caraga’s agricultural and fishery products to create market linkages for the producers, suppliers, investors, and buyers to forge agriculture-related investments.

It is a convergence initiative by the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Caraga Chamber of Commerce supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Winrock International.

Senator Cynthia Villar of the Senate Committees on Agriculture and Food, and Government Corporations and Public Enterprises graced the event and assure Caraganon her support to agriculture. She believes that “agriculture sector sets as the engine that propels Caraga to proclaim its place as one of the growth areas in Mindanao with its chosen flagship product, the Caraga Lobster.

“Encouraging the establishment of a more agri-related business is one of the key strategies to support in boosting growth and development of the agriculture sector as well as improving the income of farmers, fisherfolk, and agricultural workers,” stressed Senator Villar.

To put in place the needed and suitable interventions in agriculture, DA continues to strengthen the farmer organizations thru consultations and dialogues have been undertaken with the different stakeholders. DA capacitates farmers by providing training and introduces them to new technologies and business strategies for them to become farmer entrepreneurs.

“The CARAT Expo is a manifestation that agriculture, fishery, and trade in the region is alive and ready to take on the challenges of globalization. Apart from fulfilling our mission, to provide available & affordable food for all DA is committed to providing our farmers the much-needed support in finding a good market for their product,” said  DA Assistant Secretary for Agribusiness Leandro H. Gazmin.

Agricultural trade fair and marketing expositions are important to the farmer entrepreneurs as it creates a venue where farmers are able to engage with suppliers and companies for future investments related to agriculture.

The five-day activity features products daily highlights, to wit: Day 1- Lobster Festival; Day 2 – Fruits & Veggies Festival; Day 3 – Sinuglaw Festival; Day 4 – Lechon Festival; Day 5 – Palagsing Festival. (Rhea C. Abao – DA Caraga Information Section)