Agriculture is one of the major players in the Philippine economy. In 2015, Agriculture had a 9% share in the 2015 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Meanwhile, agricultural extension is important in facilitating technology transfer to boost production and income of the farmers. This service used to be under DA, but with the full implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991 or Republic Act 7160 in June 1992, it was transferred to the Local Government Units (LGUs).

With this, the DA was left with limited control over the AEWs who are on the frontline in extending agricultural services to the farmers and other stakeholders. On the other hand, based on a paper Country Report of Decentralization of Agricultural Service Delivery by former UPLB Professor Dr. Tito Contado, the devolution of the agricultural extension services faced a number of challenges such as limited number of AEWs as well as limitation in their mobility because of shortage of operational funds for travelling of LGUs.

Considering this problem, Department of Agriculture is profiling the existing AEWs to determine and assess the gaps, issues and experiences of the Local Government Units with regards to delivering extension services in the Agriculture sector. It also assesses the LGUs various extension activities relative to Research and Development and Regulatory System. By profiling the AEWs, DA hopes to better its services and provide a more effective extension delivery system.

“The information will help the national government to determine and address the logistical and technical needs of the AEWs to equip them so they can better serve the public,” DA Field Operations Division Chief Rebecca Atega said.

“Strengthening the extension services will maximize agricultural production while also minimizing production costs which will eventually lead to attaining the Department’s mission of food security and sufficiency,” she added.

For Caraga, a total of 740 AEWs and 107 Local Farmer Technicians (LFTs) are targeted for profiling. All LGUs undertaking agriculture and fishery extension services, particularly all Municipal, City, and Provincial Agriculture and Veterinary Offices will be covered by the profiling activity. (Vanessa P. Sanchez/DA13).