In a bid to determine the impact of the Integrated Abaca Enhancement Enterprise Subproject of the San Isidro Upland Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (SIUFMULCO) of Santiago, Agusan del Norte, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP 13) conducted a Rapid Appraisal of Emerging Benefits (RAEB) on March 16-19.

Apart from the Regional Project Coordinating Office (RPCO 13) staff, the RAEB was also participated by personnel from the Project Support Office (PSO) – Mindanao, and personnel from the Provincial Project Implementing Unit (PPMIU) of Agusan del Norte.

To obtain the needed data, a Focused Group Discussion with the Coop Officers and a household survey with the other project beneficiaries were conducted. In addition, the production areas of the farmer recipients were visited.

The SIUFMULCO availed of the Integrated Abaca Enhancement Enterprise Subproject in the year 2017. Under the said subproject, the cooperative received a 900 square-meter warehouse and a 600-square meter drying pavement. They were also provided with two units of hauling trucks with 18.3 tons capacity, 30 stripping machines, a nursery, planting materials, and organic fertilizers.

According to SIUFMULCO President Leonora Mila, they have benefitted a lot from the project. “Our production went up from 80 – 150 metric tons prior to the PRDP project, now, our production is at 200 metric tons per month,” Mila said.

Further, the two hauling trucks given to them have made transporting their produce to their buyer easier. She shared that before, they had to wait for their buyer to pick up their products, but now, they can do the delivery anytime.

Mila also said that their members were also encouraged to plant more abaca after seeing that they can really earn a lot from this enterprise.

The conduct of the RAEB aims to gauge the effects of the interventions given to the beneficiaries so far so as to determine also sustainability measures for the continued implementation of the subproject. (vanessa p. sanchez / DA 13 – RAFIS)