No more cropping failure in the barangays of Agusan del Sur following the back-to-back turn-over of the Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS) in Rosario and San Luis.

Funded by the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project, the 2.71km main canal, lateral and structures of Laminga in San Luis, and 4.76km main canal with structures in Limbatangan, Rosario is perceived to maximize cropping potential and ease farming operations.

“This irrigation is very critical in rice cropping. Here in Rosario before, harvest has always been a failure due to the lack of a good water source. Now, as this project has come to life, surely yield will increase so with the farmers’ income,” Rex S. Fuentes, Rosario Sangguniang Bayan member.

The 2.71 km Laminga CIS intends to cover 136 ha of rice field with 703 household beneficiaries in barangays Alejandro, Baylo, Dona Flavia, and Poblacion. This is in addition to the 10 ha existing conventional rice area and will help increase the rice production from 2.2 MT/ha to 4 MT. A 29.22% increment in palay production is expected with the CIS.

Limbatangan’s 4.76 CIS targets 264 ha rice area in the barangays of Libuac, Poblacion, and Tagbayan, Rosario having 1,623 household beneficiaries. This will increase rice production from 3.0 MT/ha to 4.0 MT/ha for conventional rice and 3.0 MT/ha to 3.6 MT/ha for organic rice.

Officials and farmers in Rosario and San Luis expressed their gratitude towards the implementors of the irrigation, promising to unceasingly support government interventions.

“Our hearts are filled with joy with the completion of this irrigation. This will make our lives easier. This just proves that the government is listening to our sentiments,” declared Jeffrey Manlapas, Laminga Irrigators Association member.

“Even if our generation ends, but as long as farming is alive, this fountain of life will always be here because of you. Rest assured that we will continuously support and help the government by maintaining this irrigation up to the next generations,” guaranteed Federico S. Guerrero, Jr, Limbatangan Farmers Irrigators Association President.

Moreover, DA Executive Director Abel James I. Monteagudo reminded the residents that the government has been heeding the call of its people. Despite the threats of the pandemic, officials adapt to the new normal ensuring that programs reached their intended beneficiaries.

“The government’s eyes and ears are open for the people, making sure that we reach the places that are badly in need. Instead of complaining, let’s put our trust and hope to the government offices by opening up our suggestions to where do further interventions should take place,” Monteagudo encouraged.

The CIS amounting to P21million for Laminga and P50million for Limbatangan would not be possible without the 10% counterpart from the local government unit of the beneficiary barangays. This is required by the DA-PRDP along with the 10% counterpart from the Philippine government and 80% from the world bank.

Furthermore, the Laminga canal was turned over to the Laminga Irrigator’s Association along with the Limbatangan canal to the Limbatangan Farmers Irrigators Association.

The office of the mayor, Sangguniang Bayan members, and officials from the local government units of Limbatangan and Lamina, and the DA-PRDP staff witnessed the ribbon cutting and turn-over ceremony. (Zenny G. Awing / DA-PRPD13)