
Joining the rest of the world in celebrating World Bamboo Day, the Department of Agriculture – Caraga conducted a ceremonial bamboo planting headed by Regional Executive Director Abel James I. Monteagudo, Regional Technical Director Nicandro M. Navia, Jr. and OIC-Regional Technical Director Rebecca R. Atega at the Del Monte Lowland Rainfed Research Station (DMLRRS) on Wednesday, September 16.

The activity is also in accordance with Resolution No.197 of the 18th Congress that declared September as Bamboo Month in the Philippines. The resolution seeks to promote the importance of bamboo in the daily lives of the Filipinos by recognizing its many uses. Further, the resolution also aims to encourage government agencies as well as the Local Government Units to plant bamboo in suitable areas within their jurisdiction.

 The bamboo planting activity is also inline with the pursuit of the Department of Agriculture to promote bamboo and develop the bamboo industry in the country.

In February of this year, DA Secretary William D. Dar declared bamboo as a high-value crop to intensify its promotion.  

In a statement, Secretary Dar said that the DA’s new agri-industrial strategy does not only look at enhancing farm productivity, but also on developing more value-added products to further empower farmers by providing them with more business and employment opportunities, and eventually additional income.

Aside from food products, bamboo is also used for construction, furniture, handicraft industry, fuel, textiles, and the arts.

Ecologically, compared to other trees, bamboo absorbs two times more carbon dioxide which is essential for the survival, growth, and reproduction of living things. Bamboo plants also have strong roots which make it quite useful in preventing soil erosion.

In Caraga, aside from the ceremonial planting of bamboo, the DMLRRS is targeting to produce 1,000 pieces of bamboo planting materials that will be distributed to interested farmers. 

DMLRRS Officer in Charge Catherine Juyno said that they hope to have the planting materials ready by next month and start the distribution so that more people can plant and Caraga will soon abound with bamboo.