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With its program designed to help the livelihood of the local farmers and fisherfolk affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Agriculture – Caraga through the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) successfully launched the Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita in partnership with Robinsons -Butuan staging the “Locally Sourced” Fair held at the Robinson’s Place Butuan Atrium last November 13-15.

DA’s KADIWA in Robinsons-Butuan was a 3-day event that served as a marketing link between the local farmers, fisherfolk, and consumers in Butuan City and nearby provinces, in a much safer and better venue.

Regional Executive Director Abel James I. Monteagudo highlighted in his message that buying local products and supporting the local farmers and fisherfolk, is the first step of the Caraganon to upsurge the agriculture sector in the region and even the country.

“In this time of the pandemic, the maximum effort that we can contribute to our affected farmers and fishers is to support what they offer. Because through this, we can deliver what is mandated to us, to produce food for the country, and to uplift the lives of our farmers- our heroes in these times,” he said.

Monteagudo also reiterated the attainment of the agriculture sector during this pandemic, “I am proud to say that our agriculture is registering a growth in these times, especially now that we should treat food as our medicine. This is an additional reason for us to patronize our locally grown, processed, and manufactured products,” he said.

AMAD Chief Lynn Pareñas also stressed the objectives of the ‘Locally Sourced’ Fair. “Through Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita ‘Locally Sourced’ Fair, we are extending services on the marketing and entrepreneurial capacities of our local farmers and fisherfolk. As part of the component of Plant, Plant, Plant Program (Agri 4Ps), food security is our topmost priority against the threat of the pandemic,” she said.

The event commenced with a ribbon-cutting spearheaded by RED Abel James I. Monteagudo and the Mall Operations Manager of Robinson’s Butuan, JanikaMallonga. It was then followed by presentation of the participating farmer suppliers namely: KM7 Farmer’s Producer’s Cooperative; BFAR, Ocampo’s Farm Eggs, Triecy Vegetable Dealer, Toledo Aqua Products, Alj’s Pure Herbal Products, SumilihonTaguibo Farmer’s Association Inc., OdbrijamGuyabano Juice, Sto.Nino Multi-Purpose Cooperative, and Jabez Farm. (Kent Warren Fuguso/DA13-RAFIS)