To increase farmers’ productivity and to irrigate more agricultural lands, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) officially launched the start of the rehabilitation of the P39.9 million Cummunal Irrigation System (CIS) at Barangay Culit Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

The new CIS would cover an influence area of at least 100 hectares mostly planted with rice benefiting more than a hudred farmers in the community. “We not only desire for rice sufficiency, but also a rich supply of agricultural products for our people and neighboring municipalities,” said Mayor Enrico Corvera.


Corvera said that the farmers in the community have been waiting for the rehabilitation of the irrigation system since their goal is to achieve at least three croppings in a year. “As an agricultural engineer, I believe that irrigation is the solution for better production,” Corvera said.

Culit Irrigators Association (CIA) has been wanting for an irrigation system that would stand through the many distructions caused by natural calamities since the existing CIS has already been damaged due to heavy rains and floods.

“Because of the many calamities we’ve experienced, the passage of water through the river can no longer be controlled and only less than 30 hectares of planted areas can be irrigated,” said CIA President Pausto Empanado, Jr. “We need a rebuilding that would prevail against disasters and we’re glad that PRDP is helping us for this rehabilitation,” he added.

PRDP I-BUILD known as Intensified Build Up of Infrastructre and Logistics for Developement aims to put in place climate resilient farm-to-market roads (FMR), bridges, communal irrigation and potable water systems.

CIS rehabilitation project in the municipality would extend the length of the dam’s ogee (arch) and increase the height of the protection dike which after the construction would irrigate more than a triple times of hectares compared to the existing one.

The Project has partnered with LGUs and the private sector in providing key infrastructures, facilities, technology and information that will raise income, productivity and competitiveness among the players in agriculture.

The ground breaking activity was spearheaded by the DA-PRDP representatives together with the officials of Barangay Culit and LGU Nasipit. (Fretcher Magatao, RPCO-13)