Serving as an eligible source of quality poultry stocks in the island, the Department of Agriculture – Caraga through its Livestock Program, grants the Provincial Local Government Unit of Dinagat an upgraded native chicken multiplier breeder farm amounting to P5M pesos on November 25.

The intervention was lodged under the Bayanihan Act II Stimulus Package for Agriculture that intends to give support to the Dinagatnons whose livelihood was affected by the pandemic which also includes returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and the farmers and fisherfolk in the island.

Regional Livestock Program Coordinator Jekem Sanchez together with PDI Governor Arlene “Kaka” J. Bag-ao led the cutting of the ribbon at Barangay Justiniana Edera, municipality of Dinagat where the site of the upgraded multiplier farm will be established.

The multiplier farm will be operated by the PLGU and will hold the responsibility of raising chicken breeders and producing stocks that would be made available for the recipients. Fifty percent (50%) of the stocks produced will be provided for free to the identified beneficiary, institution, or FCA in the first three (3) years or until the investment cost is fully repaid in the value of products provided as a livelihood.

Moreover, technical assistance shall also be provided by the PLGU to the chosen beneficiaries in order for the project to flourish and ensure its sustainability. The farm will also be made available as a site of training and learning facility for students, farmers, women, and interested individuals.

The intervention is divided into four (4) components which include the breeder component where 400 heads of breeder hens and 100 heads of breeder rooster will be procured to supply the identified direct beneficiary. The Supplies Component will allocate for the cost of feeds, supplements, veterinary drugs, and biologics for the starting operation needs of the farm. The Farm Facilities Component includes the housing establishment such as breeder house, brooder house, grower house, among others. Moreover, machinery and equipment components will procure incubators, hatchers, generator sets, and brooder equipment.

According to Livestock Coordinator Jekem Sanchez, all requests made by the FCAs in the province will go directly to the Provincial Government of Dinagat through its Provincial Veterinary Office.

“This is in preparation of the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling where our LGUs in the province no longer have to request to the regional office, hence, they can ask directly to our Province for faster processing of a request of interventions,” Sanchez said. (Kent Warren H. Fugoso, DA-RAFIS 13)