Organic Congress strengthens OA advocates’ linkage

The advocates of organic agriculture in the Caraga region gathered to share and exchange best practices in the implementation of the Organic Agriculture Program through the 6th Regional Organic Agriculture Congress (ROAC) via the virtual platform on August 12. This year, the Department of Agriculture-Caraga, in coordination with the Local Government Units (LGUs), brings forth continue reading : Organic Congress strengthens OA advocates’ linkage

Cabadbaran City’s Veggie Techno Demo Farm unveiled

Three months after its kick-off, the Local Government Unit of Cabadbaran through its City Agriculture Office, in partnership with the Department of Agriculture – Caraga High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) and private seed companies, culminates the Vegetable Production Technology Expo through a field day and harvest festival at Panlaisan, Cabadbaran City, on July 25. The continue reading : Cabadbaran City’s Veggie Techno Demo Farm unveiled

₱9.9 million Kadiwa expands opportunities to Agri Coops and LGUs

The Department of Agriculture (DA)-Caraga’s Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD) has provided ₱9.9 million in financial grants to qualified farmer and fisherfolk cooperatives and associations (FCAs) as well as local government units (LGUs) on July 19 in Butuan City. The grants were given under the DA’s Enhanced Kadiwa Financial Grant Assistance Program, through the continue reading : ₱9.9 million Kadiwa expands opportunities to Agri Coops and LGUs

Dinagat Farmers Receive ₱41 Million Support from DA

Aiming to raise farmers’ profitability and competitiveness, the Department of Agriculture-Caraga continues to provide interventions for the benefit of the Agri front liners in Caraga region. DA-Caraga Regional Executive Director Ricardo M. Oñate, Jr. personally led the handover of vegetable seedlings, free-range chicken, farm machinery, and equipment amounting to ₱41.66 million to 13 rice & continue reading : Dinagat Farmers Receive ₱41 Million Support from DA

DA-Caraga Taps Media Practitioners to Promote Abonong Swak

Helping the farmers cope with the hurdles in rice cultivation amid the rising prices of inputs, particularly fertilizer, the Department of Agriculture (DA) promoted the technology for a Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) incorporating inorganic and organic fertilizer in the field. To hasten the campaign based dubbed Abonong Swak, DA-Caraga conducted a Media Briefing on June continue reading : DA-Caraga Taps Media Practitioners to Promote Abonong Swak

Corn and Cassava Farmers in AgSur and SurSur Avails Farm Mechanization

A total of P5.7 million worth of various agricultural machinery and equipment were turned over by the Department of Agriculture (DA) Caraga to the two farmer associations to further boost the corn and cassava industry in the region. During the visit of DA’s National Corn Program Director Milo Delos Reyes on June 27-30, 2022, he spearheaded the continue reading : Corn and Cassava Farmers in AgSur and SurSur Avails Farm Mechanization